It is being reported on Idavox as well as in local media that New Jersey neo-nazi Nicholas G. Mucci was arrested on the night of March 4th for an attack against a benefit show for One Peoples Project, a longtime New Jersey Anti-Racist and Anti-Fascist organization.
Just after he participated in a white supremacist rally in town on Saturday, a 28-year-old man was arrested on charges stemming from reportedly throwing smoke bombs and attempting to pepper spray the crowd leaving a show in Asbury Park, NJ on Jan. 27 benefitting One People’s Project.
Nicholas G. Mucci, who lives in Toms River, was part of the rally that along with the New Jersey chapter of White Lives Matter also included members of the NJ European Heritage Association, Garden State Nationalist Club, Embrace Struggle Active Club, and National Socialist Youth Detachment. It was held alongside the Toms River Irish Festival whose participants heckled and jeered them while they stood on adjacent sidewalks.
That About Sums it Up
Mucci has been charged with aggravated assault, arson and weapons charges, among others and is still being held in Monmouth county jail.
Come Tell Anti-Trans Fake “Feminists” to Fuck Off!
British Anti-Trans hate monger Posie Parker, aka Kellie-Jay Keen, is currently on a U.S. “Speakers Corner” tour to spread her bigoted bullshit.
Check out this thread by @B_for_backup about Parker’s record of violent transphobia and racism:
Posie Parker.
This UK TERF is even kicked out of Woman's Places UK, a TERF organization, for being too far-right. She did allegedly talk to white supremacists on youtube.
A dance party and noise demo has been called to counter the tour’s stop in Philadelphia, which is scheduled to occur at 1PM on Sunday, 11/13/22 near The Liberty Bell. While we are not organizing this event, we encourage everyone to come out and be loud and proud.
Hideous Flyer Being Circulated on Social Media for “English Nationalist” Conference at The Ritz Carlton 11/7/22 that seemingly went underground or was canceled.
UPDATE: The English Nationalists failed to materialize at the Ritz tonight. It’s possible this “conference” was so tiny that it was simply going to be a dinner that they moved last minute. It’s also possible that they held a small meeting in one of the rooms. Nevertheless, good work to everyone who called, shared and showed up tonight. White nationalism is not welcome in Philly.
Apologies for the short notice on this, readers. We were informed just yesterday of this planned event and wanted to do a little research, as we don’t know anything about this “English Nationalists” group.
They appear to have tabled at The Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) conference this year, and to be supporters of the far-right UKIP party. They are staunch monarchists who celebrate both the royals and monstrous murderers like Margaret Thatcher.
Going by the flyer, their goal appears to be re-colonizing Ireland, Canada, The United States, New Zealand and Australia. Presumably, those countries (as opposed to Jamaica, the virgin islands or half of Africa) because they have a majority White Population. Hence the “one people” language. No regard for the indigenous populations of these countries from these proud racists, of course.
While coming to Philly and talking of re-colonizing the U.S. seems ridiculous, this is still not an event to be ignored. The English Nationalists will be joined by at least one other far right group, “European American Community,” and this event is likely to attract local white nationalists and allow them to network and recruit.
Left Photo: A post outside the Sportsmen’s Club adorned with Nazi stickers (we deleted the contact info from them). Right Photo: Inside the club during the show.
PITTSBURGH, PA – The neo Nazi organization American Defense “Skinheads” (ADS) put on a memorial show last Saturday, but what sets this show apart from the other various shows and “social events” that ADS has put on in the last few years was the venue.
The Pitcairn-Monroeville Sportsmen’s Club (PMSC) recreational hall was filled with merchandise tables peddling racist band shirts and white supremacist propaganda while chants of “seig heil” and “white power” were shouted by the crowd giving the Nazi salute. Meanwhile outside of the rec hall there is a memorial to the veterans of our armed forces, including those who served in WW2 fighting against the Nazi regime.
Dmitri Loutsik, Vincent Cucchiara and Sarah Cucchiara, proveyors of neo-nazi publishing house Antelope Hill.
The Southern Poverty Law Center recently published a story on their Hatewatch blog exposing the principals behind the Pennsylvania-based White Nationalist publisher “Antelope Hill Publishing.”
Antelope Hill is being run by Vincent and Sarah Cucchiara (née Nahrgang) of 134 Main St., Green Lane PA and Dmitri Anatolievich Loutsik of Lehigh Valley, PA.
Vincent Cucchiara of Antelope Hill PublishingSarah Cucchiara of Antelope Hill Publishing. Unsurprisingly, both she and Vincent were involved in anti-choice organizing.
The article goes into great detail about the history of Antelope Hill as well as their ties to the neo-nazi National Justice Party and The Right Stuff podcast.
In addition, check out this thread by AnonCommieStan on twitter, which details other individuals associated with Antelope Hill as well as reveals that Vincent Cucchiara works as a real estate agent at EXP realty. Sarah Cucchiara was, alarmingly, working as a public school teacher until she was fired for racist facebook posts.
The Anonymous Comrades Collective @AnonComrades long running investigation into the shady and secretive Nazis behind Antelope Hill Publishing is far too intricate for a tweetstorm. Read this article and stay tuned for more as the tips pour in. 1/22
— Anonymous Comrade Replicant (@AnonCommieStan) June 14, 2022
Publishers like Antelope Hill do not seem like urgent threats when compared to companies of fascist Stormtroopers operating all over the U.S., but Antifascists should remember the lessons of Resistance Records or Micetrap Distributions. Both of which operated with impunity for years and helped indoctrinate new individuals into Fascist movements. The ripple effect of harm done by those individuals is incalculable. While we don’t advocate for government censorship of these kind of companies, we do think there should be financial, social and personal consequences for profiting off such books as “Hitler: In His Own Words” and using your home to form neo-nazi political parties with Mike Enoch.
As with any political movement, there are factions in Fascism that usually can be divided into Militant Vanguardism and Incremental Entryism. For example, nazi Boneheads vs. Suit-and-tie nazis attempting to infiltrate local GOP groups.
However, like in most political movements, individuals themselves will move between these factions over a lifetime and work with both. Ultimately, the factions are working towards the same or similar goals. While the militant fringe nazis will openly provoke a response with their constant terror attacks, the suit and tie types, in the past, have flown under the radar for many Antifascists.
A prime example of this is the American Renaissance conference, organized annually by Jared Taylor and other “intellectual” racists. While groups like One People’s Project and local Antifascists have long raised the alarm and protested the conference, it took years before any larger responses were mobilized. Yet Amren has been as damaging as any regional bonehead crew or Patriot Front cell.
This is not to turn our nose up at confronting the Fascist stormtroopers, whose role in trying to “control the streets” should also not be understated. The cold reality is we must fight them on both front. We are paraphrasing, but there’s an old quote that goes…”They have a political agenda that must be confronted politically. They also have a physical agenda that must be confronted physically.”
There will always be trendy leftists, who didn’t have the time of day for Antifa before we started getting media and political slander hurled from all directions, who will either dismiss the fascist militants as “idiot thugs” while also dismissing the fascist intelligentsia as “nerd internet nazis.” The reality is they aren’t going to fight fascism, and their insecurity around that compels them to try and discourage others who do.
Publishers like Antelope Hill, podcasts like The Right Stuff and Daily Shoah and their affiliated parties are equally a threat to our communities as any network of Nazi bonehead crews or Attomwaffen terrorists. They are all part of the same movement. Which seeks to “correct” the demographics of the U.S. through mass murder and deportation, destroy the left and feminist movements here, and impose a far right, ultra-authoritarian nationalism. A society of forced conformity through rigid gender and sex roles and eugenics. A nation of militarism and slavery, with themselves at the top.
That’s the world that our enemies want. Moreover, it’s the world we are headed towards if we fail to stop them. On all fronts.
Eternal War on the Hitler Youth (and all fascists),
If you’re wondering what you can do to help support antifa comrades in prison on July 25th – The International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners, here are some ideas:
Do a banner hang.
(wanna know how to make a kick-ass banner? Click here!)
2. Put up posters around your neighbourhood or school. Here’s two pdf’s we have that you can download & print:
3. Raise money to support antifascist prisoners and their families. Putting on a fundraising event for July 25th and donating the proceeds to support antifascist prisoners and their families is a very good way to show appreciation & solidarity. Every year for #j25antifa, Antifa International does an online sale of “Support Antifa Prisoners” t-shirts(designed by a former antifa prisoner!), and donates the proceeds to the antifascists currently locked up (you’ll find a list of them and information about how to contact their support groups here!). We also run a standing fund that provides support to antifascist prisoners and their families throughout the year,which you can make a contribution to here.
4. Take a solidarity photo. See below for some awesome examples & be sure to send us any photos you take!
5. Write to antifascist prisoners. Nothing is better when you’re locked up than receiving mail! You can send letters or postcards to the antifascist prisoners on our listor participate in Rose City Antifa’s Postcards to Prisonerscampaign or hold a letter-writing party with your friends!
6. Dedicate an action to these comrades. The only limit to what you can pull off on July 25th is your imagination!
Remember that together, we can create a flow of solidarity that strengthens our ties to one another and creates a culture of resistance that can withstand the inevitable tides of repression. These comrades are in there for us, so we are out here for them!
Rodrigo Jesus Gibson, circled, with the Proud Boys in Washington, DC in Dec. 2020. Gibson formerly worked as Communications Director for the Office of the Provost at Drexel University. His hat reads “Proud Boy.”
After the Epik Data breach by hacktivist group Anonymous last year, it was revealed that the registrant of the Philly Proud Boys’ website was one Rodrigo Jesus Gibson.
Gibson was also identified from sources close to the PB’s, as well as facial recognition software, according to this thread by @Ruthlesswe.
Once identified, there is no shortage of information about Gibson available online. Gibson was previously living in Miami, where he was a musician and had a multimedia company.
Gibson is no longer employed at Drexel University. His listing as an employee on their website appears to be out-of-date.
Gibson participated with the Proud Boys when they marched unannounced in Old City in Sept. 2020.
Rodrigo Gibson, holding flag, with Proud Boys at City Hall in Sept. 2020. In front of Gibson, unmasked with a beard, is Brien James, longtime neo-nazi head of Vinlanders Social Club and affiliate of Blood and Honour USA as well as many other white power orgs. James also heads the Indiana Proud Boys.
Gibson (circled with purple) in Washington DC with fellow PBs in 2020. Including Zach Rehl (circled on left), who is currently on trial for charges related to the Jan. 6th, 2021 far-right attempt to stop the certification of the Presidential Election.
Gibson is listed as living in an apartment in Center City at 2220 Walnut Street.
Kaufman has put up Patriot Front stickers in the area around LHVN’s offices in Allentown, PA, including the Citgo on West Street and the Butz Corporate Center on Hamilton Street.
Patriot Front Sticker put up outside the Butz Corporate Center in Allentown by Nick Kaufman.Patriot Front Sticker put up outside the Citgo on West Street in Allentown by Nick Kaufman.Kaufman also put up Patriot Front stickers at the Lehigh Valley Disc Club’s course at Creek Park.
Kaufman’s place of business can be reached at 610-402-8000. We encourage our readers to politely call and demand that LHVN fire Kaufman, who started working their in November, for practices that clearly contradict their standards.
Kaufman is licensed by the Pennsylvania State Boards of Medicine (no. MA061786) and Osteopathic Medicine (no. OA005817). These boards can be reached at (717) 783-1400 and (717) 783-4858, respectively, should LHVN be unwilling to do the right thing.
Since the massive info leak of neo-fascist group Patiot Front, social media is abuzz with nazis being identified by Anti-fascist researchers.
The Patriot Fail blog has been started to keep the information centralized, but here are 2 PF Network 10 (Eastern PA, NJ, Northern DE and NYC Metro Area) nazis who have been exposed since our last post. “Alexander PA” – aka Devin Heming of Altoona and “Ryan PA” – aka Zachary Stern of Bushkill.
Finally, Joseph Paul Berger , nazi host of the “Alt Right Armory” podcast, aka “GlockDoctor1488” was arrested by the feds, along with his father, for having an arsenal of illegal weapons.
Well done to everyone working to expose and report on the organizing fascists in our area. Another expose’ on a Patriot Front Network 10 member previously unidentified will be coming shortly, but at this rate someone may beat us to it!
Dustin Sargent, aka “Alan-PA,” member of the neo-nazi organization Patriot FrontSargent “training” with fellow PF members in October.
Patriot Front has rapidly become one of the most active neo-nazi groups in the region. Specializing in provocations designed to avoid confrontation, PF has defaced George Floyd memorials all around the mid Atlantic. They held a hilariously inept nighttime flash march through the city over the summer, managing to be driven into retreat by a handful of random bystanders (greatest city in the world!). PF and their allies have also done banner drops with “White Lives Matter” and pro-Kyle Rittenhouse messages around the city. PF engages in similar actions all over the U.S..
The George Floyd memorial in Olney after it was vandalized by Patriot Front in June.Patriot Front PA vandalizing a “Hate Has No Home Here” mural in Boyerstown, PA.
Fortunately, Unicorn Riot and Ddos Secrets have just released a comprehensive data dump of all the inner workings of Patriot Front. PF took great lengths to protect the anonymity of their membership, so this is a welcome breakthrough that provides invaluable information to Antifa everywhere trying to stop PF’s growth and increasing activity. Those responsible should be very proud.
Anti-Fascists unaffiliated with Philly Antifa have identified one member, known in Patriot Front chats as Alan-PA, as Dustin Sargent, owner of Sargent and Sons Masonry in Kunkletown, PA. We have independently confirmed the information sent to us through the above mentioned data leak and social media posts by Sargent.
“Alan-PA” (Sargent) lent his 02 Ford Pickup (PA ZRC8587) to “Jackson-PA” and “Erik-PA”, who drove it to DC for the Patriot Front march held there in December.
Dustin Sargent’s truck visible on the right at the Patriot Front camping area for their DC demo.
The same truck is visible in several pictures on Sargent’s personal FB page of his masonry work. Note the matching bluish-gray sticker on the upper left of the tailgate.
Dustin Sargent’s truck is visible in this picture posted on his personal Facebook
Once the truck from the DC meetup was linked to Sargent, it was easy to find plenty of evidence of his racist, fascist politics. His Facebook has videos of British Union of Fascists leader Oswald Mosley (a favorite among Patriot Front members) as well as an anti-Semitic video pushing the conspiracy theory of a Jewish cabal trying to destroy western civilization.
Video of British Fascist Oswald Mosley posted by Dustin Sargent on his personal FacebookAnti-Semitic video posted by Sargent on his personal Facebook.
Sargent’s FB friends list is riddled with fellow nazis as well. It’s worth noting that Sargent uses his FB for business, so his friends list includes people who may be unaware of his politics, though anyone who bothered to look at his profile should be able to spot it pretty quickly.
Just a cursory glance at Sargent’s friends list reveals a large number of fellow nazis.
Sargent was also identified as in a picture of PA Patriot Front on a hike together from his distinctively bent cap brim.
Sargent (right) at a Patriot Front group hike.
Sargent also trained alongside PF members from PA and nearby states in October.
Sargent at a Patriot Front “drilling” meetup in October
Sargent and Sons is registered to 111 Stone Lane in Kunkletown, PA. Dustin Sargent identifies himself as the owner on his FB.
Unfortunately, Sargent and Sons seems to be doing good business. His clients are mostly unaware of his affiliation with a neo-nazi organization, and we think that should change. Groups like Patriot Front survive almost entirely on member dues and contributions. Targeting their memberships’ wallets is an effective tactic at disrupting the organization as a whole.
Be sure to leave them reviews on google, yelp, and anywhere else possible. Anyone aware of Sargent and Sons working in the Philly area should contact us.
Sargent does have some criminal charges in the state for Corruption of minors, criminal mischief, and more recently for making false statements related to the transfer of a firearm.
This is a treasure trove of information that will take some time to work through. But rest assured that we will be combing through every picture, video and message to identify every last Patriot Front (or affiliated) nazi in our region. Any PF member feeling regretful (or like saving their own skin) should probably reach out and give us some info on their buddies before we get to them.
Aaron Whallon Wolkind, Vice President of Philly Proud Boys, despite living in Delaware.
“The FBI raided the home of the vice president of the Proud Boys’ Philadelphia chapter on Friday, seizing his computer, phone, and other electronics to gather information on the Jan. 6 attack at the U.S. Capitol, his lawyer said Monday.
Aaron Whallon Wolkind, 37, woke up around 4 a.m. Friday to more than a dozen federal agents, dressed in riot gear and accompanied by an armored vehicle and battering ram, swarming his Newark, Del., home, and ordering through a loudspeaker that he exit with his hands in the air, his lawyer Jonathon Moseley wrote in a court filing…
Wolkind was not in D.C. during the Jan. 6 riot, Moseley said. He believes the search and seizure was to gather information in the case against Zach Rehl, the self-described president of the Philadelphia Proud Boys, whom Moseley also represents. Rehl was arrested in March on charges he conspired with other leading members of the organization to attack the Capitol and has been in custody in Philadelphia pending trial since.”
Wolkind is a longtime Proud Boy who participated with Rehl, Richard Schwetz and other PB’s/assorted racists who attacked Anti-Racists at the Columbus Statue in Marconi Plaza in the summer of 2020. Wolkind has been at nearly every Proud Boys demo in Pennsylvania since the group’s founding.
Zach Rehl continues to be held at FDC Philadelphia awaiting trial.
Click the link above for a .pdf of our new community alert in response to recent activities by Patriot Front/New Jersey European Heritage Association in and around Philly.
“STATEN ISLAND, N.Y. — A 49-year-old New Dorp woman was arrested and faces multiple charges in connection with anti-Semitic postings made on the borough, the district attorney’s office announced Tuesday.
Gina Aversano, a resident of the 600 block of Tysens Lane, was arraigned in Criminal Court in St. George Tuesday afternoon on two counts of first-degree aggravated harassment and four counts of making graffiti…
Court documents allege Aversano posted a sticker with a swastika onto a rock in Wolfe’s Pond Park on Nov. 4, 2020 before posting a second sticker featuring a swastika onto a privately-owned van near Tysens Lane in New Dorp the next day.
Then, between Dec. 31, 2020 and Jan. 1, 2021, Aversano allegedly posted flyers from the New Jersey European Heritage Association (NJEHA), a group deemed a white supremacist organization by the Southern Poverty Law Center and the Anti-Defamation League, to a Stop & Shop sign on Hylan Boulevard and a muni-meter near New Dorp Lane, authorities allege.”
“The International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners originated in 2014 as a Day of Solidarity with Jock Palfreeman—an Australian man serving a 20-year sentence in Bulgaria for defending two Romani men from an attack by fascist football hooligans. Happily, Palfreeman has been granted parole after serving 11 years of his sentence, but there are still hundreds of others who remain imprisoned for standing up against fascism and hate.
That’s why July 25th is so important; the International Day of Solidarity with Antifascist Prisoners aims to break down the borders and build an international response against fascism. By having an event, raising money, or dedicating an action to these comrades, we can simultaneously strengthen our local movements by ensuring that those who have acted to protect our communities against the fascist threat are never forgotten, as well as create the links of a powerful international solidarity which can transcend both the prison and the border wall.”
We wholeheartedly encourage everyone to participate in the Day of Solidarity this year and every year until Anti-Fascism is no longer criminalized and all are free.