Things have been busy. Our apologies for the irregular updates. Here is a quick roundup of some of what has been going on here in Philly in the past few weeks.
Rumors were confirmed on social media that Cliff Warby, longtime Neo-Nazi and former drummer for Condemned 84 and current drummer of RAC band Para elite, was knocked out and hospitalized by Anti-Fascist punx at the U.K. Subs show at Voltage Lounge on April 7th. Additionally, Warby’s adult daughter Aryan Warby (yea, really) was also knocked out.*

Warby was living in the Philly area recently but appears to be living near the Jersey shore.
On Saturday, April 8th, Antifa Philadelphia tabled alongside the Wooden Shoe Books, Bindlestiff Books, and others at a book and bake sale fundraiser for J20 defendants at the ASpace.
Over $700 was raised for J20 defendants from Philly. Thanks to everyone who came out, tabled, donated items to sell, or otherwise contributed!
According to a video posted on Youtube, organizers attempting to bring another “Make America Great Again” march, despite their embarrassing display at the previous one, were attacked after one of them put on a MAGA hat at the handle bar on Frankford Ave.
A few MAGA types also made a short appearance at the Philly Tax march carrying Trump flags on April 15th before being chased to the waiting arms of their police protection and then making their escape. It is unknown if they were the same ones who were attacked or not.

Finally, Due to overwhelming response from regular folks donating between 1 and 50 dollars, Antifa Philadelphia has managed to raise over $3500 so far for the Richard Spencer Puncher Fund.
Consider donating to the fund if you haven’t already. Original call below:

Defend the Richard Spencer Puncher!
Preemptive legal and medical fund being undertaken by Antifa Philadelphia.
Neonazi Richard Spencer took a sucker punch heard around the world, for many people brightening an otherwise terrifying inauguration day. Richard Spencer has twice tweeted that on Saturday he filed a police report and fascist group wesearchr is fundraising a bounty for information on the antifa puncher. Philly Antifa is fundraising for the legal defense (if found and charged) or the health care costs (if attacked) of the puncher. We do not know who the puncher is nor are in touch with them, however we have years of experience raising legal defense for militant antifascists and are committed to distributing the funds to anyone accused if and when they are needed.
Spencer was punched while being recorded by an Australian media outlet and live streamers, and his violent calls for genocide have been given widespread coverage by Politico, the Atlantic, the Washington Post, NBC, and loads of other press, allowing neonazi movements to recruit and grow. These outlets have ignored militant antifascist responses, and given voice to the type of vile ideology that both organizes and heightens racist, homophobic, transphobic, and far-right violence from both fascists in the streets and state actors. The far right murder people for no reason other than their race, faith, gender identity, national status, etc.
We are calling on everyone to share this donation call to who has made a meme or enjoyed this act of militant resistance. We are also calling on anyone profiting directly from the imagery of the punch to set some money aside for this fund.
If charges are not made or no one’s safety is compromised because of their alleged involvement, the funds will go to general legal defense for antifascists.
All donations coming thru PhillyAntifa.org from now on will go to said fund.
Good luck and stay safe.
¡No pasarán!
-Philly Antifa
*In the original post of this article, we identified Aryan Warby as a Nazi. However, after some research it does appear that she at least has represented herself as not being in line with her father’s views. We aren’t about to start moralizing about fights at shows, especially ones we didn’t do. And Aryan Warby is far from the first non-nazi associate of a Nazi to experience that authentic “Being a Nazi in Philadelphia” experience. However, we take mis-characterizing people as Nazis seriously, despite claims otherwise by our enemies. So we have removed the word. But we would also like to remind our readers and Ms. Warby that, no matter how much you may claim to love Obama, walking around with a Nazi in Philly can get you knocked out.