Philly Police Officer Outed as White Supremacist with Ties to Blood and Honour

Update 9/2: Some members of the media are incorrectly attributing Lichterman’s leave from work in the early 2000’s to the Blood and Honour hack in 2010 and also reporting that he has been on Philly PD payroll during the time he was reportedly (by himself on social media) working as a security contractor in the middle east, so we have updated that section with a more thorough explanation of our observations during that time. We also added the connection between the e-mail used in the BNH hack and Lichterman’s badge number.

Two updates 9/1:
We previously incorrectly implied that the “311” in Lichterman’s flikr and instagram accounts might be a reference to an outdated number code for KKK, but several people pointed out to us that “0311” is the Marine Occupational Speciality (MOS) code for a rifleman.

We also removed an erroneous description of Lichterman engaging in Third Reich soldier “Cosplay,” after an actual Cosplayer contacted us and informed us that they are actually engaging in re-enactment and wearing uniforms, not costumes, and asked that we not associate their generally badass hobby with Nazis and Nazi sympathizers. Apologies to cosplayers.

Ian Hans Lichterman (left) with 2 fellow Nazi reenactors enthusiasts. Lichterman is a current or former member of the WP network Blood and Honour and an active Philly PD Officer
Ian Hans Lichterman (left) with 2 fellow Nazi reenactors. Lichterman was previously outed as a member of the WP network Blood and Honour and is an active Philly PD Officer


Those of our readers who have been Anti-Fascists for a few years may remember that during a period from 2010-2012 there were several successful hacks of Neo-Nazi websites that led to the identification of dozens of Neo-Nazis and White Nationalists.

One of the more interesting cases was that of Ian Hans Lichterman. Lichterman was listed as a member of Blood and Honour, an international network of Neo-Nazi organizations started by Ian Stuart Donaldson, the lead singer of Skrewdriver. Upon some investigating, it was discovered that Lichterman was also a Philly PD officer who had even recently been commended at a crime stoppers awards ceremony. The e-mailed listed alongside his name with the leak,, seemed to refer to Lichterman’s badge number, 3155. The address that was also leaked with the name and e-mail is owned by Lichterman and his wife, fellow Philly PD officer Susan Bevidas.

Shortly after the hack, Lichterman appeared to leave the the Philly PD and to be working as a private security contractor (mercenary) in the middle east, presumably using his connections from his time as a Marine. Hoever, members of the media have note that during this time Lichterman was still on Philly PD payrolls. So either the move was ruse because people had been calling Philly PD asking about him and his affiliations… or he was kept on the books while working abroad for some reason. Recently, at the Philly Coalition for REAL Justice’s march during the DNC, someone noticed that one of the bike cops working the event had some shady tattoos. That cop has been identified as Ian Lichterman, back on duty in Philly.

Iron Cross Tat on Left Elbow is just the beginning
Iron Cross Tat on Left Elbow is just the beginning

One was a rather generic Nationalist tattoo of an AR-15 over an american flag with “For God and Country” written above it. That is the motto of the American Legion, a veterans organization that was very sympathetic to Fascism in Europe before WWII.

“The president of the American Legion in 1923 was quoted as saying, ‘If ever needed, the American Legion stands ready to protect our country’s institutions and ideals as the Fascisti dealt with the destructionists who menaced Italy.’ In reply to whether this meant taking over the government, he said ‘Exactly that. The American Legion is fighting every element that threatens our democratic government-soviets, anarchists, I.W.W., revolutionary socialists and every other Red ..Do not forget that the Fascisti are to Italy what the American Legion is to the United States.'”

If that wasn’t bad enough, the other tattoo was this:

real subtle, Ian
real subtle, Ian

That eagle design is called a partieadler. With wings outstretched and a simplistic design, the partieadler is distinct from the national emblem in every other era of German history, a history that stretches from the reichsadler’s first appearance in the 12th century, to its present design. It is the eagle of Nazi Germany specifically. And the word “fatherland” is also a reference to Nazi rhetoric oft-used to describe Germany during the Third Reich.

Oh, and then there’s these:

Ian Hans Lichterman (left) with 2 fellow Nazi reenactors. Lichterman is a member of the WP network Blood and Honour and an active Philly PD Officer
Ian Hans Lichterman (left) with 2 fellow Nazi reeanctors.


nice spelling of "Socialist"
willing to kill people who hold a political belief he can’t spell

“True Americans” haven’t felt so safe since Hulkamania was taking over.

self-describing as an "infidel" is a common trope by Anti-Muslim racists.
self-describing as an “infidel” is a common trope by Anti-Muslim racists.

Those pics are taken from Lichterman’s flikr account, which is under “Panzerhund0311.”

It is obvious from his past association with Blood and Honour, his Nazi tattoos, his affinity for dressing up as a Third Reich soldier and his reactionary, racist, anti-communist photoshops that Ian Hans Lichterman is an extreme danger to the people of Philadelphia (especially People of Color, Muslims and Anti-Racists) as long as he has a gun and a badge.

This information coming to light could lead to Lichterman’s removal, but one thing is certain: it will not change the fact that Police were developed specifically to protect White Supremacy and Patriarchy in this country. As long as Philly PD exist, their ranks will be full of the bigoted, power-hungry and corrupt, as well as a handful of fools and cowards who get the “good cop” label and serve to protect people like Lichterman.

For a world without Cops or Nazis, or Nazi Cops.


More NJ Boneheads in Legal Trouble – A Snitch to Blame?

Kyle Powell (l) and Josh Steever (r) of Aryan Terror Brigade

Part One: Background

The past 6-8 weeks has seen an unusually large amount of police attention on White Power boneheads in the Garden State, and the boneheads are starting to ask questions as to why.

One People’s Project reports that Josh Steever (75A Kuhl Road, Flemington NJ) and Kyle Powell, the numbers one and two in Aryan Terror Brigade (ATB) are both facing legal troubles.  Steever is (or was) being held in Middlesex County jail on charge of terroristic threats (more on that later).  Powell has already plead guilty to his role in a hate crime committed on New Year’s eve 2011 in New Jersey that may spell the end of ATB, who may also be trying to take another older, more established NJ bonehead crew with them.

It is not known when exactly Powell was arrested for his role in the attack, but the fact that he has already pled guilty makes it very likely that he was arrested before any of the other boneheads discussed in this article.

Then, in mid-December, a member of the Atlantic City Skins (AC Skins) Chris Ising and a member of ATB Michael Gunar were arrested on federal hate crimes charges stemming from their alleged involvement in the same attack that Powell just pled guilty to.

Chris Ising, member of ACS

According to the cops, all of these boys were in attendance at a “White Power Meet-and-Greet” held at Ising’s former home in East Brunswick.  Following the event, several boneheads went out and randomly attacked a group of residents of a nearby housing development for being Arab, injuring them.

Unfortunately, these sorts of attacks are commonplace when boneheads congregate together and present a sobering reminder as to why ALL attempts to organize by Neo-Nazi and far-right groups need to be opposed, even their “social events.”

The police have not released any information as to how they ascertained who was involved in the attack, which again had occurred almost a year earlier.  Another interesting thing to note is that this event shows a relationship between ACS and ATB has been developing for some time. It is unknown whether or not Josh Steever was in attendance at the meet-and-greet or the attack afterwards.

As a side note, during this period two other boneheads from ACS were arrested for Domestic Violence and Assault charges, as of now there seems to be no connection the arrests of Gunar, Ising and Powell.

Part Two: Fallout

Gunar and Ising (who has a long criminal record) remain under indictment. Powell is out of jail pending sentencing, with a maximum possible sentence of 5 years.

Since the arrests of Steevers, Powell, Gunar and Ising, some of the (relatively) smarter boneheads in NJ have begun questioning who can be trusted in ATB.

A commenter on the One People’s Project article about Steever and Powell’s arrests claiming to be “Josh Long” of ATB alleges that Steever snitched on Powell, Ising and Gunar and claims that he is no longer a member of ATB, the group he founded.


While this is hardly proof-positive of Steever (and Powell) being a snitch, it does fit in with what Antifa in NJ and Philly have been suspecting ever since Josh Steever returned to NJ: that he is a police informant, and that Aryan Terror Brigade might have been created with the express purpose of attracting some of the more reckless and unstable elements of the White Power scene in the US.

Part Three: Filling in the Blanks

So what has led us to believe that Steever was a snitch since day one of ATB? The answer goes back several years.

Josh Steever is originally from the New Jersey, but first drew attention in Texas in 2005 for attacking someone with an axe handle, earning the nickname “Hatchet.”  Steever managed to plead down from Felony to misdemeanor assault.

In 2008 Steever was arrested again, this time in California. According to the Anti-Defamation League, Steever “as arrested on June 12, 2006, four days after he accompanied his girlfriend to Newark Memorial High School to pick up her yearbook.  At that time, Steever allegedly made racial slurs at two African American students waiting in line for their yearbooks and then pulled out a pocket knife and threatened to stab them…”

Despite being charged with several Felonies and hate crime enhancements, Steever suspiciously served only a year in California.  This led to the first allegations that Steever had informed to the police in exchange for a reduced sentence and/or an early release. Allegations coming from fellow Neo-Nazis like this stormfront poster going by the name “SWAWILL.” SWA, or Supreme White Alliance, is a Neo-Nazi group that Steever was once an associate of:


When Steever got out of jail in California he returned to NJ where he reportedly must remain as a condition of his parole. Upon his return Steever started ATB, which has been almost universally dismissed as too juvenile/shocking by other Neo-Nazis to develop public relationships with. Steever did develop a knack for attracting young internet boneheads with outlandish rhetoric and a reputation for being unapologetically unreasonable about his bigotry. Around this time Steever also became associated with Blood and Honor USA, one of two competing Neo-Nazi groups of the same name.

It did not take long for Blood and Honor to get wise to Steever, and they quite publicly removed him from their ranks in a public statement.  Give it a read to get some insight into just how divisive and untrustworthy Steever is considered; even by his allies.


In addition to the situation on New Jersey, many of you may recall the recent arrest of the entirety of Florida American Front following a police informant being “patched into” their group.  Coincidentally (?) one of the people arrested was Ken McClellan, who was pled a federal weapons charge down to PROBATION, despite being an ex-convict.

According to Josh Steever himself, Ken McClellan is (or was) a member of Aryan Terror Brigade before and during the arrests.


It seems that wherever Aryan Terror Brigade is found, the police are not far behind.

Police informants and undercover agents are no new phenomenon in Neo-Nazi/Far Right circles.  Powerhouses in their movement such as The Order, the World Church of the Creator and the certain incarnations of the KKK have been destroyed by state infiltration and snitches.

Compared to two recent cases in New Jersey and Illinois involving Antifascists, the Pemberton 2 and the Tinley Park 5.  In both cases those arrested represented a small portion of those involved in the “crimes” they were charged with.  In both cases, but especially for the TP5, giving up their comrades would have certainly meant lenient treatment, if not immunity from charge altogether.  But unlike the boneheads, in both cases not a single Antifascist would give up their accomplices.

Right now the Tinley Park 5 sit in prison on trumped-up charges because they were unwilling to sacrifice fellow Antifascists to save themselves, and all evidence indicates that members of Aryan Terror Brigade and the Atlantic City Skins sit in prison because their “white brothers” did just that.

This is why we will win.