KSS Underwhelms at their Annual Leif Ericson Day Celebration in Fairmount Park

UPDATE: Added a few pics and names of those in attendance; also One Peoples Project has a report back with more pics and a video.

After last years embarrassing display, expectations were super low for the Keystone State “Skinheads” annual event in Philadelphia, the Leif Ericson Day celebration. But somehow those boneheads managed to underwhelm us.

About 20 neo-Nazis rallied for less than 10 minutes over an hour late by the statue of a guy who is NOT Leif Ericson. Well, not RIGHT by the statue, as their rally location had been occupied by around 15 Philly Anitfa. They went on to make unintelligible speeches on a megaphone about the plight of “White Europeans.”  Well, they might have been more intelligible if Antifacists weren’t shouting them down with chants of “THIS IS OUR COMMUNITY – NAZIS OUT” and “DEATH, DEATH, DEATH TO THE NAZIS – POWER, POWER, POWER TO THE PEOPLE” as well as general heckling and insults. It wasn’t long before they had clearly had enough and packed up their side show and headed back to their cars under police protection.

There appeared to be primarily three groups represented at the celebration. KSS, The American Third Position Party, and The Hated Skins.

Some Nazis in attendance included:

AJ Olsen, Philadelphia coordinator for KSS
“Jimmy Thorson” (L) and Byran P. Vanagatis (R) Standing behind them with a black jacket and green shirt is Patricia Vanagatis.
Patrick Rogers. Standing in the background to the right is Elizabeth McGill.
Heidi McCarty of Williamsport, PA
Two members of the Hated Skins, Mike and Laura Leger of East Landsdowne, PA.
Ryan Wojitowicz of A3P

Philly PD was on hand to protect the Nazis, as has become tradition. Some leaflets were handed out during the brief event explaining to those passing by in Fairmount Park what the affiliations and motivations of the two groups were, as KSS has increasingly attempted to whitewash their image in recent years. Many people in the park were participating or attending the Navy regata there today, but expressed their solidarity with our militant position against fascist organizing.

Events like this seem innocuous enough, but they present an opportunity for KSS to recruit and openly organize in Philadelphia, as well as aid in their attempts to distract attention from their more obviously vile endeavors, like the White Power concert they organized recently in rural PA.  Opposing Fascist attempts to organize or gain footholds in our city is paramount to keeping them marginalized and ineffective.

See you next year,

Philly Anitfa

KSS Show Goes On/Tinley Park 5 Benefit a Success/Bryan Bradley Memorial Benefit Cancelled

Ok, the bad news first.
As reported by One People’s Project, KSS was able to put on their White Power show in Lebanon, PA.  This is (at least) the fourth time the same volunteer fire department has hosted an event by KSS in the past several years.  Word is out in Lebanon, so let’s hope some local people mobilize against them for this.

Now, the good news.

The Tinley Park 5 Benefit was a big success.  Thanks to everyone for coming out and helping us raise about 500 dollars for the TP5.  This doesn’t even scratch the surface of their bails, but it will make their time in jail a lot more tolerable by allowing them access to better food and the ability to make phone calls.

There was some unwanted attention from Philly PD early in the evening.  Apparently the cops were there to “protect us” because of some “threats” against the show.  Thanks but no thanks.  Anyway, the threats never materialized and the show went off without a hitch.

Special thanks to all the groups that tabled the show and especially all the bands that played.  Check out this video of Erik Petersen covering Chumbawamba’s “The Day The Nazi Died,” a favorite of us here at Philly Antifa.

Again coming from OPP:

ATLANTIC CITY, NJ—A Sept. 16 benefit event at the Golden Nugget Casino that promoters said was to raise money for the families of injured and fallen workers, but was done in the name of the late founder of the largest and most violent neo-Nazi gangs in the state has been canceled.

“Sorry to have to announce this event will not be happening,” Butch Bradley, a stand up comedian and brother of Atlantic City “Skinheads” (ACS) founder Bryan Bradley posted on the Facebook page he set up for the event which was to benefit The Bryan P. Bradley Foundation for Fallen and Injured Workers. “Too many schedule conflicts in order to do this right I’m going to have to take more time. Thank you all for your support and understanding.”
Despite attempts to blame the cancellation on “scheduling conflicts,” the announcement to cancel came after several attempts by Butch Bradley to get OPP to take down their articles about his brother and the event, and there has been no word about a rescheduled event.

So, all in all, not a bad week to be Antifa.

Bonehead band “The Hard Way” kicked off Battle of the Bands in Philly



Coming right on the heels of their beating at Champs in Trenton recently (see below), Atlantic city nazis Jack Warren and Kenny Souder were given another disappointment this week after Philly Antifa found out their other band “The Hard Way” was booked to play a battle of the bands at Sweeny’s saloon tonight.

It only took a tip to the owners of the bar and the people booking the show to get them removed.  Apparently the video of Souder performing with the band “Chaos 88” alongside longtime Atlantic City “Skinheads” member Warren Mieckle while Warren sang along and guarded the band was enough evidence of their associations.  After confirming what they were told was true, the owner of Sweeny’s promised that “The Hard Way” would be allowed neither to play nor even “enter the door” of the bar.


Warren and Souder are members of ACS, despite recent claims to be apolitical scumfucks, which is the refuge of all cowardly boneheads when confronted with their affiliations/activities. Warren even sports a tattoo of the ACS logo on his arm.  And as any real (Anti-Racist) skinhead will tell you, you DO NOT get a crews’ tattoo without being in that crew. Especially a crew as violent and unstable as ACS.